Sunday, 6 January 2013

Fly fly away.

As I am in fact getting on an aeroplane and relocating my ass to Italy on Thursday I thought it acceptable to get my flying/aviator jacket out. Then I thought myself, actually, it is always (weather providing) acceptable to get my flying jacket it out. It's one of my favourites and when the trend kind of faded out it got left in the wardrobe in the spare room.

Jacket:Topshop [last year]

So tonight, to celebrate my departure I am having final goodbye drinks with some friends, so I thought I'd have a private flying jacket celebration on my own.

1 comment:

  1. I love aviator jackets, and you're right its is completely acceptable to wear it wherever and whenver, in fact as much as possible. Need to find myself a nice one!

    Alexandra Lauren Rose


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