Sunday, 6 January 2013

Goodbye for now

As I leave for Italy on Thursday I have been slowly meeting up with people to say my final good byes. Last night I met up with my cousins, and we went for a few drinks and we all got a little tiddly. Then this afternoon I met up with my a group of my closest friends and we had a quiet evening, we got soft drink and nachos and wedges and garlic bread and just had a good old fashion gossip. It was so nice, and it has really reminded me that people do care, and people are sad to see me go. So here's a few pictures from the last few nights.

Apologies for the quality of these.
Shirt:Primark Bustier:Topshop Leather Trousers:H&M

Jacket:Topshop[last year] Scarf:H&M

Top:River Island

A lot of my friends clothes will be from Jack Wills.


  1. Great photos! You have such a nice batch of friends. Have fun in Italy!

    xoxo, Taylyn
    Always wear your invisible crown.

  2. I love your pixie haircut! Good luck on your new journey to Italy! I've always wanted to visit there.

    Stop by sometime, xo Natalie

  3. Thank you!
    I have followed you back :)


  4. Have fun in Italy! Xx


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All opinions are appreciated!

Kitty xxx

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